Tax Returns
KLM Associates are registered with HM Revenue & Customs to submit on-line Self Assessment tax returns using specialised licensed software which ensures accurate and complete returns that are receipted on submission to avoid the likelihood of penalties.
Sole traders , partnerships , directors of limited companies and individuals required to complete returns by virtue of other incomes such as rents , investment income , pension income , etc. are all catered for .
Sole trader’s accounts are usually prepared annually in order to complete the SA tax return and we monitor and issue reminders where deadlines are approaching in an effort to make sure our clients do not get fined .
We seek to claim all legitimate expenses in an effort to properly minimise our client’s tax liabilities and can give advice on all manner of personal tax issues.
I think HMRC like to say ” tax does not have to be taxing” …. well it is taxing and it is complex which is why we recommend the services of a professional accountant to make sure you get it right without costing the earth.
Tax allowances represent the amount a person can receive before paying income tax and can be found by clicking on the link